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  1. Foster Collaborative Research

  2. The cluster serves as a hub for fostering collaboration among researchers across the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and beyond, to harness collective knowledge that advances research on epistemological and methodological challenges in social sciences using AI techniques.

  3. Develop Innovative Methodological Approaches

  4. The cluster encourages the development of innovative methodological approaches by integrating AI techniques such as deep machine learning, natural language processing, network analysis, and causal inference methods to explore new avenues for data collection, analysis, and interpretation, ultimately enhancing the rigor and validity of social science research.

  5. Knowledge Exchange and Training

  6. The cluster seeks to organize workshops, seminars, and training programs to promote knowledge exchange and skill development. These events will provide opportunities for researchers, graduate students, and faculty members to learn from leading experts, share insights, and build collaborations.

  7. Collaboration with External Partners

  8. The cluster actively seeks collaborations with external partners, such as research institutes in universities and beyond to facilitate the application of AI-driven epistemology and methodology in real-world socio-political contexts.